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In this Privacy Policy, VCD Healthcare B.V. trading under the name Axians ('Zorg GGZ') informs you about the use of your personal data within the Zorg GGZ applications. The Zorg GGZ application focuses on registering data and carrying out any legal actions that may be associated with it.

Zorg GGZ (VCD Healthcare B.V. trading name Axians) is located in Groningen at Eemsgolaan 15 and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 01101645.

If you use Zorg GGZ, the data from your login account will be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Axians processes your login details to fulfill agreements with you or on the basis of a legitimate interest. We recommend that you read this Privacy Policy carefully.

Use of Zorg GGZ

Type of personal data

When using Zorg GGZ, the user's IP address is automatically registered. The IP address is stored in a log file. In addition, your actions are recorded in Zorg GGZ.

Purposes of use

Axians uses the data included under 'Type of personal data' for the security of Zorg GGZ. IP addresses are used to detect and combat unlawful use of Zorg GGZ. An example of unlawful use is 'spidering' / 'crawling' (searching) Zorg GGZ.

The use of personal data in your Zorg GGZ account

Type of personal data

To use Axians' services, you need, among other things, a personal Zorg GGZ account. For this account, you must register your name, email address, password and a mobile phone number for two-factor authentication. In addition, you can voluntarily enter additional (personal) data. You can change this information at any time.

Purposes of use

Axians uses the (personal) data from your account and the data you provide in the application for the following purposes:

i) Security of your account
Your login details (email address and password) are used to secure your account. You can always change these login details in your account.
ii) Services from Axians
The (personal) data from your Zorg GGZ account and the data you provide in Zorg GGZ can also be used for the provision of services to be provided to you via Axians.

The use of Cookies

Zorg GGZ uses cookies for:

· Reading browser settings to display the application as optimally as possible on your screen;

· Passing on information within the application to ensure one-time input;

· Detecting possible misuse of our applications and/or services, for example by registering a number of consecutive failed login attempts;

Provision of personal data to third parties

Axians does not provide personal data to third parties, unless it is obliged to do so on the basis of a legal provision or a ruling by the court or supervisory authority, or if this is necessary in the interest of the prevention, detection or prosecution of criminal offenses (such as fraud, deception or deception) or you have given permission for this.

Security measures

Axians has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your login details against loss, unlawful use and unlawful processing of your personal data by others, and also to prevent access to your login details by unauthorized persons. Zorg GGZ does this, among other things, through physical (access) security, use of passwords, a password policy, two-factor authentication, encryption of passwords and encryption of data. These security measures are regularly tested for vulnerabilities by a professional third party and are supplemented or tightened if necessary.

Control over your personal data

You can view, adjust or delete your login details that you have entered via your account. If you have any questions about this, you can always contact us.

Axians does not store login data for longer than is legally permitted and blocks login data when it is no longer necessary for the purposes described above. Your login details can be deleted by your client.


Axians reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy. Axians advises you to regularly review the Privacy Policy. The announcement is made by publication via Zorg GGZ and/or sending a notification.

By using Zorg GGZ you agree to this Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Axians at +31 (0)88-5975552, by letter to Eemsgolaan 15 - 9727 DW – Groningen or by email at

Privacy Policy version: August 31, 2023