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Terms of Use

These are the terms of use for the use of Zorg GGZ as offered by VCD Healthcare B.V. trading as Axians. These user conditions apply to authorized users of Zorg GGZ and inform you about your rights and obligations when using Zorg GGZ. Read this carefully before using Zorg GGZ.

Who is Axians?

Axians operates a user application via the website (hereinafter: Zorg GGZ). The head office is located in Groningen at Eemsgolaan 15 and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 01101645 as VCD Healthcare B.V. trading as Axians.


These user conditions, the Privacy Policy and other additional regulatory documents regarding Zorg GGZ apply to the use of Zorg GGZ. If you do not agree to this, you cannot use Zorg GGZ and you should not log in.

Zorg GGZ reserves the right to change these terms of use. The changes will take effect 30 days after publication, unless otherwise stated. The announcement is made by publication via Zorg GGZ and/or sending a notification. By continuing to use Zorg GGZ you agree to these terms of use.

What do the terms of use apply to?

These terms apply to all users of Zorg GGZ.

Your rights and obligations

As a user of Zorg GGZ, you must act and behave in all respects as may be expected of a responsible and careful user. You are, among other things, not permitted to use the (content of the) application for actions and/or behavior contrary to the law, public order or good morals.

More specifically, the following actions and/or behavior are not permitted:

-Infringing or otherwise acting in violation of the intellectual property rights of Zorg GGZ, Axians and/or third parties;

-Making infringing, unlawful or misleading statements;

-Distributing legally prohibited material;

-Avoiding or removing the security of (parts of) the website.

You are not permitted to otherwise copy, modify, distribute, disseminate, reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise use and/or exploit the material made available without the prior written permission of Axians.

If you do not adhere to the intended use, Axians reserves the right to recover any damage resulting from this non-intended use from you or your client.

How does Axians handle your personal data?

In the Privacy Policy you can read what Axians uses the data collected about you through this application and how you can change or have this data deleted. The Privacy Policy only applies to the Zorg GGZ application.

Which law applies to these Terms of Use?

Dutch law applies to these Terms of Use. A dispute about these Terms of Use will be settled exclusively by the competent court in Rotterdam, unless Axians chooses to apply to the court designated by law.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Axians at +31 (0)88-5975552, by letter to Eemsgolaan 15 - 9727 DW – Groningen or by email at

Terms of Use version: August 31, 2023